هجوم تيت

عودة للموسوعة

هجوم تيت

هجوم تـِت
جزء من حرب فيتنام

بعض أهداف PAVN/NLF الرئيسية أثناء هجوم تت
التاريخ 30 يناير 1968 - 23 سبتمبر 1968
جمهورية ڤيتنام
النتيجة نصر تكتيكي حاسم للحلفاء، ونصر استراتيجي نفسي لڤيتنام الشمالية
جمهورية ڤيتنام،
الولايات المتحدة,
جمهورية كوريا،
National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam,
جمهورية ڤيتنام الديمقراطية
القادة والزعماء
وليام وستمورلاند Võ Nguyên Giáp
1.2 مليون (تقريبي) 323,000 - 595,000 (approximate)

الطور I: 2,788 قتيل، و8,299 جريح، 587 مفقود
الطور II: 143 قتيل، 646 جريح
الطور III: غير معروف
المدنيون: 14,000 killed, 24,000 wounded

Phase I: 1,536 killed, 7,764 wounded, 11 missing
Phase II: 1,161 killed, 3,954 wounded
Phase III: 700 killed, wounded unknown
Total Allied military:
6,328 قتيل (تقريبي), 20,663 wounded (approximate), 1,185 missing
Total: 85,000 - 100,000 killed (estimate), wounded unknown

هجوم شنه الثوار الفيتناميون " الفيت كونج "بتخطيط من الجنرال دياب وقيادته فيما بين 29 يناير و25 فبراير 1986 واستمد اسمه من الحتفالات الفيتنامية ببداية السنة القمرية حسب التوقيت المحلي هناك اكتسح فيه المهاجمون اكثر من 90 مسقطا ومركز قيادة للقوات الاميركية وكبدوها خسائر كبيرة في المعدات والافراد كما تكبدوا خسائر أكثر. ولكن الأمر دفع القيادة المريكية إلى اعادة النظر في استراتجيتها حول الحرب وڤتنمة الحرب اي هجر الحرب لاصحابها الاصليين من الفيتناميين المر الذي كان له الاثر البالغ في نتيجة الحرب عند نهايتها.

هجمة ناجحة

President Lyndon B. Johnson in consultation with General Earl G. Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General William C. Westmoreland, C0MUSMACV

قرارت الشمال

مناورات حزبية

General Nguyen Chi Thanh

هجوم عام وانتفاضة عامة

NLF troops pose with new AK-47 assault rifles and American field radios

عدم استعداد الحلفاء

شكوك ومشتتات

Major General Frederick C. Weyand, commander of II Field Force, Vietnam
U.S. troops pinned down during the fighting around DaK To

قبل العاصفة

Republic of Vietnam, Corps Tactical Zones


Attacks on Saigon
Eddie Adams' infamous photo of General Nguyen Ngoc Loan executing an NLF officer in Saigon

هوي Huế

Hue and the Citadel

U.S. Marines advance past an M-48 tank during the battle for Hue

المرحلتان 2 ، 3

U.S. Marines move through the ruins of the hamlet of Dai Do after several days of intense fighting

Kham Duc during the evacuation

An NLF guerrilla awaits interrogation following his capture in the attacks on Saigon.

Civilians sort through the ruins of their homes in Cholon, the heavily damaged Chinese section of Saigon

Nguyen Van Thieu, President of the Republic of Vietnam

طلب قوات اضافية

U.S. Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford (right, seated next to National Security Advisor Walt W. Rostow)



  1. ^ Hoang Ngoc Lung, The General Offensives McLean VA: General Research Corporation, 1978, p. 8.
  2. ^ The ARVN estimated communist forces at 323,000, including 130,000 regulars and 160,000 guerrillas. Hoang, p. 10. MACV estimated that strength at 330,000. The CIA and the U.S. State Department concluded that the communist force level lay somewhere between 435,000 and 595,000. Clark Dougan & Stephen Weiss, Nineteen Sixty-Eight, Boston: Boston Publishing Compnay, 1983, p. 184.
  3. ^ Does not include ARVN or U.S. casualties incurred during the "Border Battles"; ARVN killed, wounded, or missing from Phase III; U.S. wounded from Phase III; or U.S. missing during Phases II and III.
  4. ^ Includes casualties incurred during the "Border Battles", Tet Mau Than, and the second and third phases of the offensive. General Tran Van Tra claimed that from January through August 1968 the offensive had cost the communists more than 75,000 dead and wounded. This is probably a low estimate. Tran Van Tra, Tet, in Jayne S. Warner and Luu Doan Huynh, eds., The Vietnam War: Vietnamese and American Perspectives. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1993, pgs. 49 & 50.


وثائق حكومية منشورة

  • Hammond, William H. The United States Army in Vietnam, Public Affairs: The Military and the Media, 1962-1968. Washington DC: U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1988.
  • Hoang Ngoc Lung, Colonel, The General Offensives of 1968-69. McLean VA: General Research Corporation, 1978.
  • Schulimson, Jack, Lieutenant Colonel Leonard Blaisol, Charles R. Smith, and Captain David Dawson, The U.S. Marines in Vietnam: 1968, the Decisive Year. Washington DC: History and Museums Division, United States Marine Corps, 1997.
  • Shore, Captain Moyars S., III, The Battle of Khe Sanh. Washington DC: U.S. Marine Corps Historical Branch, 1969.
  • Tran Van Tra, Vietnam: History of the Bulwark B2 Theater, Volume 5: Concluding the 30 Years War. Southeast Asia Report No. 1247. Washington DC: Foreign Broadcast Information Service, 1983.
  • Military History Institute of Vietnam, Victory in Vietnam: A History of the People's Army of Vietnam, 1954-1975. Trans. by Merle Pribbenow. Lawrence KS: University Press of Kansas, 2005.

Document collections

  • Sheehan, Neil, Hedrick Smith, E.W. Kenworthy, and Fox Butterfield, The Pentagon Papers as Published by the New York Times. New York: Bantam, 1971.

مذكرات ويوميات

  • Bui Diem, In the Jaws of History. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press, 1993.
  • Bui Tin, From Enemy to Friend: A North Vietnamese Perspective on the War. Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press, 2002.
  • Clifford, Clark, with Richard Holbrooke, Counsel to the President: A Memoir. New York: Random House, 1991.
  • Johnson, Lyndon B. The Vantage Point: Perspectives on the Presidency, 1963-1969. New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston, 1971.
  • Westmoreland, William C. A Soldier Reports. New York: Doubleday, 1976.
  • Zaffiri, Samuel, Westmoreland. New York: William Morrow, 1994.

مصادر ثانوية

  • Ang Cheng Guan, Decision-making Leading to the Tet Offensive (1968) - The Vietnamese Communist Perspective in Journal of Contemporary History. Vol. 33 (3), July 1998.
  • Arnold, James R. The Tet Offensive 1968. Westport CT: Praeger, 1990. ISBN 0-275-98452-4.
  • Braestrup, Peter, Big Story: How the American Press and Television Reported and Interpreted the Crisis of Tet in Vietnam and Washington. New Haven CT: Yale University Press, 1983.
  • Davidson, Phillip, Vietnam at War: The History, 1946-1975. Novato CA: Presidio Press, 1999.
  • Doyle, Edward, Samuel Lipsman, Terrence Maitland, et al. The North. Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1986.
  • Dougan, Clark, Stephen Weiss, et al. Nineteen Sixty-Eight. Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1983.
  • Duiker, William J. The Communist Road to Power in Vietnam. Boulder CO: Westview Press, 1996.
  • Elliot, David, The Vietnamese War: Revolution and Social Change in the Mekong Delta, 1930-1975. 2 vols. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2003.
  • Gilbert, Marc J. and William Head, eds. The Tet Offensive. Westport CT: Praeger, 1996.
  • Hayward, Stephen, The Tet Offensive: Dialogues, April 2004. http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/dialogue/hayward-tet.html#2r
  • Karnow, Stanley, Vietnam: A History. New York: Penguin, 1991. ISBN 0-670-84218-4hc
  • Terrence Maitland and John McInerney, A Contagion of War. Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1983.
  • Lewy, Gunther, America in Vietnam. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.
  • Morocco, John, Thunder from Above: Air War, 1941-1968. Boston: Boston Publishing Company, 1984.
  • Nguyen, Lien-Hang T. The War Politburo: North Vietnam's Diplomatic and Political Road to the Tet Offensive in Journal of Vietnamese Studies. Vol. 1, numbers 1 & 2, 2006.
  • Oberdorfer, Don, Tet!: The Turning Point in the Vietnam War. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1971. ISBN 0-8018-6703-7
  • Palmer, Dave Richard, Summons of the Trumpet: The History of the Vietnam War from a Military Man's Viewpoint. New York: Ballentine, 1978.
  • Pisor, Robert, The End of the Line: The Siege of Khe Sanh. New York: Ballentine Books, 1982.
  • Prados, John and Ray Stubbe, Valley of Decision: The Siege of Khe Sanh. Annapolis MD: Naval Institute Press, 1991.
  • Schandler, Herbert Y. The Unmaking of a President: Lyndon Johnson and Vietnam. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1977.
  • Schmitz, David F. The Tet Offensive: Politics, War, and Public Opinion. Westport CT: Praeger, 2004.
  • Sorley, Lewis, A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America's Last Years in Vietnam. New York: Harvest Books, 1999.
  • Stanton, Shelby L. The Rise and Fall of an American Army: U.S. Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1965-1973. New York: Dell, 1985.
  • Spector, Ronald H. After Tet: The Bloodiest Year in Vietnam. New York: The Free Press, 1993.
  • Tran Van Tra, Tet: The 1968 General Offensive and General Uprising in Jayne S. Warner and Luu Doan Huynh, eds., The Vietnam War: Vietnamese and American Perspectives. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1993.
  • Weist, Andrew, The Vietnam War, 1956-1975. London: Osprey Publishers, 2002.
  • Wilbanks, James H. The Tet Offensive: A Concise History. New York: Columbia University Press, 2006.

وصلات خارجية

  • A Viet Nam Reappraisal Clark M. Clifford
  • How Great Nations Can Win Small Wars YAGIL HENKINA Azure spring 5766 / 2006, No. 24
  • Westmoreland request for troops Feb 12(#68)
  • Tet Offensive Research Project
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-08 01:22:49
التصنيفات: Pages using deprecated image syntax, Battles involving Vietnam, Battles and operations of the Vietnam War, Military campaigns involving the United States, 1968 in the United States, 1968 in Vietnam, Conflicts in 1968, حرب ڤيتنام, ڤيتنام, الحرب الباردة

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