الهندسة الحيوية

عودة للموسوعة

الهندسة الحيوية

A ribosome is a biological machine that utilizes protein dynamics
Some biological machines
نمذجة انتشار السقم باستخدام الأوتوماتا الخلوية وتفاعلات أقرب جار.

الهندسة الحيوية Biological engineering (يطلق عليها أيضا اسم هندسة الأنظمة الحيوية بالإنگليزية: Biosystems engineering) تخصص فهمي حديث يتعامل مع هندسة الفهميات الحيوية بشكل عام. فهوهندسة تطبيقية واسعة الأساس يمكن ان تضم تصميم منتجات، تحسس وتحليل النظمة الحيوية.

بشكل عام المهندسون الحيويون يتعاملون مع الحقول الطبية أوالزراعية (انظر هندسة طبية حيوية وهندسة زراعية).


الهندسة الحيوية هي مجال فهمي مبني على العلوم الحيوية بنفس الكيفية التي تقوم الهندسة الكيميائية والهندسة الكهربائية والهندسة الميكانيكية على الكيمياء والكهرباء والمغناطيسية والميكانيكا التقليدية، بالترتيب.

ويمكن للهندسة الحيوية حتى تتمايز من جذورها في فهم الأحياء البحت أوالهندسة التقليدية في الطرق التالية. دراسات فهم الأحياء كثيراً ما تتبع مقاربة اختزالية في تصور نظام على أدق مستوى ممكن من التفاصيل، الأمر الذي يؤدي من طبيعة الحال لآليات مثل فهم الجينوم الوظيفي. المقاربات الهندسية، لاستخدامها منظور التصميم التقليدي، فهي بنيوية، تبني أجهزة ومقاربات وتقنيات جديدة من المفاهيم المكوِّنة. الهندسة الحيوية تستخدم كلا النوعين من الطرق بتناغم، معتمدة على مقاربات اختزالية للتعهد على، وفهم وتنظيم الوحدات الأساسية التي بدورها تـُدمج لتولـِّد شيئاً جديداً. In addition, because it is an engineering discipline, biological engineering is fundamentally concerned with not just the basic science, but its practical application of the scientific knowledge is to solve real-world problems in a cost-effective way.

Although engineered biological systems have been used to manipulate information, construct materials, process chemicals, produce energy, provide food, and help maintain or enhance human health and our environment, our ability to quickly and reliably engineer biological systems that behave as expected is at present less well developed than our mastery over mechanical and electrical systems.

ABET, the U.S.-based accreditation board for engineering B.S. programs, makes a distinction between biomedical engineering and biological engineering; however, the differences are quite small. University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has a bioengineering program that is considered to be among the world's best undergraduate programs. Biomedical engineers must have life science courses that include human physiology and have experience in performing measurements on living systems while biological engineers must have life science courses (which may or may not include physiology) and experience in making measurements not specifically on living systems. Foundational engineering courses are often the same and include thermodynamics, fluid and mechanical dynamics, kinetics, electronics, and materials properties. According to Professor Doug Lauffenberger of MIT, biological engineering (like biotechnology) has a broader base which applies engineering principles to an enormous range of size and complexities of systems ranging from the molecular level - molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, protein chemistry, cytology, immunology, neurobiology and neuroscience (often but not always using biological substances) - to cellular and tissue-based methods (including devices and sensors), whole macroscopic organisms (plants, animals), and up increasing length scales to whole ecosystems.

The word bioengineering was coined by British scientist and broadcaster Heinz Wolff in 1954. The term bioengineering is also used to describe the use of vegetation in civil engineering construction. The term bioengineering may also be applied to environmental modifications such as surface soil protection, slope stabilisation, watercourse and shoreline protection, windbreaks, vegetation barriers including noise barriers and visual screens, and the ecological enhancement of an area. The first biological engineering program was created at Mississippi State University in 1967, making it the first biological engineering curriculum in the United States. More recent programs have been launched at MIT and Utah State University.

Biological Engineers or bioengineers are engineers who use the principles of biology and the tools of engineering to create usable, tangible, economically viable products. Biological engineering employs knowledge and expertise from a number of pure and applied sciences, such as mass and heat transfer, kinetics, biocatalysts, biomechanics, bioinformatics, separation and purification processes, bioreactor design, surface science, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and polymer science. It is used in the design of medical devices, diagnostic equipment, biocompatible materials, renewable bioenergy, ecological engineering, and other areas that improve the living standards of societies.

In general, biological engineers attempt to either mimic biological systems to create products or modify and control biological systems so that they can replace, augment, or sustain chemical and mechanical processes. Bioengineers can apply their expertise to other applications of engineering and biotechnology, including genetic modification of plants and microorganisms, bioprocess engineering, and biocatalysis.

Because other engineering disciplines also address living organisms (e.g., prosthetics in mechanical engineering), the term biological engineering can be applied more broadly to include agricultural engineering and biotechnology. In fact, many old agricultural engineering departments in universities over the world have rebranded themselves as agricultural and biological engineering or agricultural and biosystems engineering. Biological engineering is also called bioengineering by some colleges and biomedical engineering is called bioengineering by others, and is a rapidly developing field with fluid categorization.


الحقول الرئيسية في الهندسة الحيوية يمكن تصنيفها كالتالي:

  • هندسة العمليات الحيوية: تصميم العمليات الحيوية, التحفيز الحيوي، الفصل الحيوي، المعلوماتية الحيوية
  • الهندسة الجينية: فهم الأخياء التخليقي، هندسة الخلية، Tissue Culture Engineering, Horizontal gene transfer.
  • الهندسة الطبية الحيوية: التكنولوجيا الطبية الحيوية, التشخيص الطبي الحيوي, العلاج الطبي الحيوي، الميكانيكا الحيوية، المواد الحيوية.


  1. ^ Cuello JC, Engineering to biology and biology to engineering, The bi-directional connection between engineering and biology in biological engineering design, Int J Engng Ed 2005, 21, 1-7
  2. ^ Riley MR, Introducing Journal of Biological Engineering, Journal of Biological Engineering 1,1, 2007, http://www.jbioleng.org,
  3. ^ Endy D, Foundations for engineering biology. Nature 438,449-4 2005, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v438/n7067/full/nature04342.html
  4. ^ ABET http://www.abet.org/Linked%20Documents-UPDATE/Criteria%20and%20PP/A004%2010-11%20Accredition%20Policy%20and%20Procedure%20Manual%2011-05-09.pdf, accessed 9/8/2010.
  5. ^ Linsenmeier RA, Defining the Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Curriculum http://www.vanth.org/curriculum/def_bme_curr.pdf
  6. ^ Johnson AT, Phillips WM: "Philosophical foundations of biological engineering". Journal of Engineering Education. 1995 , 84:311-318
  7. ^ http://web.mit.edu/be/index.shtml, 4/14/2011
  8. ^ http://web.mit.edu/be/people/lauffenburger.shtml, 4/14/2011
  9. ^ Candi Design Ltd. www.candidesign.co.uk. "Professor Heinz Wolff". Heinzwolff.co.uk. Retrieved 2011-11-13.
  10. ^ "Agricultural & Biological Engineering: History of the Department". Abe.msstate.edu. Retrieved 2011-11-13.
  11. ^ "MIT | Department of Biological Engineering". Web.mit.edu. Retrieved 2011-11-13.
  12. ^ "Biological Engineering". be.usu.edu. Retrieved 2011-11-13.

وصلات خارجية

  • Benchling
  • Genome Compiler
  • Bioengineering Society
  • Biomedical Engineering Society
  • Institute of Biological Engineering
  • Benjoe Institute of Systems Biological Engineering
  • American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering
  • American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
  • Society for Biological Engineering part of AIChE
  • Journal of Biological Engineering, JBE
  • Biological Engineering Transactions

نطقب:Biology topics

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 03:24:04
التصنيفات: Articles with short description, هندسة حيوية, علوم الصحة

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