
بريل Braille
أبجدية (كتابة غير خطية)
اللغات عديدة
المخترع لويس بريل
الفترة الزمنية 1821 إلى الحاضر
النظم الوالدة
Night writing
  • بريل Braille
الاتجاه Left-to-right
ISO 15924 Brai, 570
مرادف اليونيكود
نطاق اليونيكود
U+2800 to U+28FF
Braille code where the word ⠏⠗⠑⠍⠊⠑⠗ (premier, French for "first") can be read.

كتابة بريل أوالقافة هي طريقة للكتابة تساعد الكفيفين على القراءة، وذلك عن طريق جعل للحروف رموز بارزة على الورق مما يجعل من الممكن القراءة عن طريق اللمس. قام بإختراع هذه الطريقة الفرنسي لويس بريل الذي أصبح كفيفاً في طفولته.

خانة بريل

Braille cell

كتابة بريل

الحروف والأرقام

رموز أخرى

The question mark is represented by dots 2-3-6—the same as the opening quotation mark. Therefore the placement of the dots—before a word or after a word—will determine which symbol it is.

Opening and closing parentheses are shown with the same symbol. Therefore, the placement context will determine whether the parentheses is opening or closing.

Grade 2 Braille Contractions

هذه مجرد عينة من بعض contractions that are used in Grade 2 Braille. More information about Grade 2 Braille is below in the section on Braille transcription.

Braille also includes a number of whole word contractions, for example the word Braille becomes a three cell word brl.

جدول العرض باليونيكود

هذه الموضوعة تحتوي على حروف خاصة. بدون دعم العرض المناصب، فقد ترى علامات استفهام، مربعات، أورموز أخرى.

The Unicode standard encodes 8-dot Braille glyphs according to their binary appearance, rather than following the alphabetic order of any particular convention. Unicode defines the "Braille Patterns" character block in the hex codepoint range from 2800 to 28FF.

بريل الحرف        بريل الحرف
A 1 T
B 2 U
C 3 V
D 4 W
E 5 X
F 6 Y
G 7 Z
H 8 Capital sign
I 9 Number sign
J 0 Period
K Comma
L Question mark
M Semicolon
N Exclamation mark
O Opening quote
P Closing quote
Q Bracket
R Hyphen

تدوين بريل

Braille Writer
Braille on a box of tablets

بريل للأبجديات الأخرى

See main articles: Hebrew braille, Japanese braille, Korean braille, Vietnamese braille, Tibetan braille, and Chinese braille.
The information about the historic site of Safdarjung’s tomb in Delhi, الهند. The braille plate is installed near the English version of the same.
The English version of the braille plate.

انظر أيضاً

  • Refreshable Braille display
  • Moon type
  • Unified English Braille Code
  • List of binary codes
  • Braille ASCII
  • Hebrew Braille

وصلات خارجية


  • Braille Authority of North America
  • Braille - American Foundation for the Blind
  • Royal National Institute For The Blind
  • Perkins School for the Blind
  • National Braille Press - offers a free Braille alphabet card
  • Alternate Text Production Center
  • National Braille Association, Inc.


  • The National Library for the Blind
  • Libraries Australia - catalog of braille in 800+ Australian libraries


  • Learn Braille on the Internet For Free
  • Braille Bug - an educational site for kids, from the American Foundation for the Blind
  • BRL: Braille Through Remote Learning
  • On-line Braille Course of University of São Paulo
  • Online Braille Generator
  • A braille alphabet card


  • How Braille Began -- a detailed history of braille's origins and the people who supported and opposed the system.
  • , 1955, gives a history of the "War of the Dots" that ultimately led to the adoption of the English form of the braille literary code in the United States and the demise of American braille and New York Point, its main competitors.


  • English Braille: American Edition
  • Details on Braille cell representation
  • Unified (English) Braille Code (including information specific to British braille)
  • Braille code for Russian and transliteration of Cyrillic


  • India-Right to Information Act in Braille
  • US copyright exemption for Braille

مصادر للغات معينة

  • - Braille WithoutBorders - Braille for Tibetans

مصادر على النت

  • Braille for various scripts
  • Free Braille fonts
  • Free Unicode Braille TTF font (supports all Braille scripts)
  • Free Unicode fonts which include braille
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 07:03:06
التصنيفات: Scripts with ISO 15924 four-letter codes, Articles containing non-English-language text, تكنولوجيا مساعدة, عمى, بريل, Character encoding, Latin alphabet representations, Tactile alphabets, كتابة, ذوي الإحتياجات الخاصة

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