برنامج سپيس‌إكس لتطوير نظام اطلاق يعاد استخدامه

عودة للموسوعة

برنامج سپيس‌إكس لتطوير نظام اطلاق يعاد استخدامه

SpaceX Reusable Launch System Development Program
Falconتسعة Flight 20's first stage landing vertically on solid ground in December 2015
تجاري؟ Yes
موع المشروع Privately funded
المسقط Various
المالك SpaceX
المؤسس Elon Musk
تأسس Publicly announced 2011 (2011)
الحالة Active

The SpaceX reusable launch system development program is a privately funded program to develop a set of new technologies for an orbital launch system that may be reused many times in a manner similar to the reusability of aircraft. The company SpaceX is developing the technologies over a number of years to facilitate full and rapid reusability of space launch vehicles. The project's long-term objectives include returning a launch vehicle first stage to the launch site in minutes and to return a second stage to the launch pad following orbital realignment with the launch site and atmospheric reentry in up to 24 hours. Both stages will be designed to allow reuse a few hours after return.

The program was publicly announced in 2011 and the design for returning the rocket to its launchpad using only thrusters was completed in February 2012. SpaceX's active test program began in late 2012 with testing low-altitude, low-speed aspects of the landing technology. High-velocity, high-altitude aspects of the booster atmospheric return technology began testing in late 2013.


From left to right, Falcon 1, Falconتسعة v1.0, three versions of Falconتسعة v1.1, and two versions of Falcon Heavy. The SpaceX reusable rocket technology is being developed for both Falconتسعة v1.1 and Falcon Heavy.

برنامج الاختبار

SpaceX is currently testing reusable technologies both for its first-stage booster launch vehicle designs—with three test vehicles—and for its new reusable Dragon V2 space capsule—with a low-altitude test vehicle called DragonFly.

Prototype vehicle flight testing

Grasshopper vehicle in September 2012.


Falconتسعة Reusable Development Vehicle (F9R Dev)


اختبارات الهبوط المحكوم للرافع فالكونتسعة بعد المهمة

Falconتسعة v.1.1 vehicle during launch ascent on September 29, 2013, three minutes before the first-ever retro-deceleration and descent flight test of the first-stage booster.

Reusability test plan for post-mission testing

Falconتسعة v.1.1 thermal imaging of the controlled-descent test of the first stage from stage separation onward, on Falconتسعة Flight 13, 21 September 2014. Includes footage as the first stage maneuvers out of the second stage plume; coasting near peak altitude of approximately 140 km (460,000 ft); boost-back burn to limit downrange translation; preparing for the reentry burn; and the reentry burn from approximately 70 km (230,000 ft) to 40 km (130,000 ft) altitude. Does not include the landing burn as clouds obscured the infrared imaging at low altitude.

تحليق الاختبار

اختبارات "الهبوط" المائي في المحيط
تحليق الاختبار 1

تحليق الاختبار 3
Infrared thermal imagery of Falconتسعة SpaceX CRS-4 launch on 21 September 2014. The larger image was captured shortly after second stage separation from the first stage: the top of the first stage appears as a dim dot with a fading plume within the brighter plume of the second stage rocket exhaust. In the inset, photographed subsequently, the restarted first-stage engines power the stage as it performs a propulsive descent to Earth.
تحليق الاختبار 4

اختبارات الهبوط على سطح صلب
تحليق الاختبار 5

تحليق الاختبار 6

SpaceX will make the sixth controlled-descent test flight and second landing attempt on the floating recovery ship, no earlier than late January 2015.

انظر أيضاً

  • Autonomous spaceport drone ship


  1. ^ Simberg, Rand (February 8, 2012). "Elon Musk on SpaceX's Reusable Rocket Plans". Popular Mechanics. Retrieved February 7, 2012.
  2. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير سليم؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة nsf20150116

وصلات خارجية

  • SpaceX Reusable Launch System, concept video released prior to completion of the system design, 3:58, September 29, 2011.
  • Video of Grasshopper low-altitude, low-velocity landing test, 4th test flight, March 8, 2013.
  • Video of 7th Grasshopper low-altitude test flight, including a 100-meter lateral maneuver, August 13, 2013.
  • Video of 8th and final low-altitude Grasshopper v1.0 test flight, to 744 مترs (0.462 ميلs), October 7, 2013.
  • Low-resolution photograph of the Falconتسعة booster controlled-descent test on September 29, 2013, just moments before impacting the Atlantic ocean.
  • Video of Falconتسعة Reusable Development vehicle no. 1 (F9R Dev1) 1st test flight, to 250 مترs (0.16 ميلs), hovering and then landing just next to the launch stand, April 17, 2014.
  • Video of CRS-3 booster stage landing test, April 2014: low quality, corrupted data and higher quality, after video frames recovered by open-source recovery effort by NSF team.
  • On-board camera video of ORBCOMM Mission-1 booster stage landing test: Falconتسعة First Stage Return : ORBCOMM Mission, SpaceX-released video of the controlled descent test, July 2014.
  • Chase-plane camera video of ORBCOMM Mission-1 booster stage landing test: Falconتسعة First Stage Reentry Footage from Plane , SpaceX-released video of the controlled descent test, released 14 August 2014.
  • SpaceX rocket nails launch but narrowly misses landing test, Reuters, Irene Klotz,عشرة January 2015.
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-05 17:25:11
التصنيفات: صفحات بأخطاء في المراجع, Commons category link is locally defined, Interlanguage link template link number, أنظمة اطلاق قابلة لاعادة الاستخدام, مشاريع هندسية, Proposed reusable space launch systems, سپيس‌إكس, مقالات تحتوي مقاطع ڤيديو, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي

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