ليلة كليوپاترا

عودة للموسوعة

ليلة كليوپاترا

اوپرات هنري كيمبال هادلي

سافي (1909)
of Montezuma (1917)
بيانكا (1918)
ليلة كليوپاترا (1920)
ليلة في پاريس القديمة (1924)

ليلة كليوپاترا Cleopatra's Night، هي أوپرا قصيرة من فصلين للمؤلف الموسيقي الأمريكي هنري كيمبال هادلي. خط نصها أليس ليل پولوك، مقتبسة عن سيرة للمحرر الفرنسي تيوفيل گوتيه. عرضت لأول مرة على اوپرا متروپوليتان في 31 يناير، 1920. عرض الاوپرا في الموسم التالي، ونقلتها إذاعة إذا بي سي في عام 1929.


الدور نوع الصوت أول عرض
31 يناير 1920
(المايسترو: - جناروپاپي)
كليوپاترا، ملكة مصر سوپرانو فرانسيس ألدا
ميامون، مصري صغير تينور أورڤيل هارولد
مارك أنطونيو باريتون Vincenzo Reschiglian
مارديون وصيفة الملكة المقربة ميزو-سوپرانو جين گوردون
إيراس، العذراء ميزو-سوپرانو ماري تيفاني
المخصي باريتون ميلوپيتشو
قائد قواد أنطونيو باريتون لويس دانگلو
ضيف تينور
الضيف الضره باس
الضيفة ميزو-سوپرانو
ديومديس، كبير مجدفي الملكة متحدث
مقطر السم متحدث


في افتتاحية الفصل الأول يظهر حمام كليوپاترا وسط حديقة فسيحة بالقرب من نهر النيل. تحمل الستار، على أصوات مصريون يصلون للاستسقاء. تدخل إيراس ومارديون وصيفتا كليوپاترا المقربتان. تلحظ إيراس حتى مارديون شاحبة جداً. وتعترف مارديون أنها مغرمة بميامون، صائد الأسود، لكنه لا يعيرها انتباهاً. يدخل أحد الخصيان، معلناً عن رغبتها في الاستحمام قبل الغروب. لكنه يحذرهم من تعكر مزاج الملكة. تبدأ الوصيفات والخصيات في تجهيز حمام الملكة وتعطير المياه ونثر بتلات الزهور. يصل قارب كليوپاترا، وتنزل الملكة، and in her aria "My veins seem filled with flowing quicksilver..." تتمتم متذمرة من الحرارة. Even the night gives her no comfort, for she cannot forget the host of mummies buried beneath the Egyptian sands. She cries to the gods to give her something radiantly new and different from her monotonous existence. At that very moment an arrow buries itself in the dust at the queen's feet. She swears that whoever shot that arrow would pay for his offense. But then she notices a papyrus wound around the arrow's shaft. She demands that Mardion give it to her. On it is written the words, "I love you." She spots a distant figure swimming in the Nile, and demands that he be brought before her alive. In her aria "I love you, I love you..." Cleopatra thanks the gods for answering her prayer. The queen disrobes and is entering the bath when suddenly Meïamoun emerges from the water of the pool. Eunuchs rush forward, ready to kill the intruder, but Cleopatra stops them. Meïamoun does not cower in fear, but, when questioned explains with the words "I love you", and then embarks on a passionate poetic aria proclaiming his obsession with the queen. "We have breathed the same air," he concludes. "Now I can die." Cleopatra refuses to kill him, but rather offers a bargain. Would he trade his life for one night with her? She warns him that when dawn comes, she would have no pity. Mardion begs him not to sully himself, and admits that she loves him. He states that he does not know her, and when he accepts the queen's bargain, the maid grabs a dagger and stabs herself. Cleopatra orders that her body be thrown to the crocodiles. She only wishes to go to the palace with Meïamoun. Leaning on his arm, she re-enters the cangia, and it slips away into the twilight as her attendants softly chant praises to their queen.

After a brief Intemezzo, the second act opens on the Terraces of Cleopatra's palace just before dawn. A banquet is being held, and the guests comment that no man has kept Cleopatra from her banquet, not even Mark Antony. Soon Cleopatra and Meïamoun emerge from the palace, the hunter clothed in a starry cloak. Cleopatra seats herself on her throne, and Meïamoun sits at her feet. The queen urges her love to sit beside her, but requests that he stop looking at her, for she swoons before his gaze. Rather she commands Greek maidens to dance. Despite being offered many delicacies, Meïamoun refuses to eat. Cleopatra summons her desert girls to dance for him and they dance until, too exhausted to resist, they are carried off by some of the guests. Cleopatra urges Meïamoun to repeat those words to her that first won her heart. He sing's an earnest, impassioned declaration of his love. The first light begins to glow in the East. Cleopatra urges him to flee with her to a nearby white temple, where they may ignore the dawn, but Meïamoun points out that there is not enough time. Cleopatra commands that the canopies be drawn. She will blot out day for an entire month, that he may continue to love her. She offers him any gift, but he only requests that when he is dead that she will press his earthly shell to her heart as she does now, and that in the still hours of the night that she will sometimes think of him. She agrees. As dawn arrives, the distiller of poisons enters, and offers to Meïamoun a vapourous cup. Saluting the gods, he raises it to his lips. Cleopatra grabs his arm, commanding that he live in order to love her. But just at that moment Iras rushes in to announce Antony's horn. Meïamoun quickly drinks the cup, and falls dead at Cleopatra's feet. Cleopatra claps her hands, and eunuchs enter to cover Meïamoun's body with silken cloths. Antony's chief officer enters, and Cleopatra tells him to go to Antony and tell him that she eagerly awaits him. When Antony's men leave, she gently uncovers Meïamoun's body, and holding it to her heart in broken tones she tells him that she keeps her promise. Antony's voice is heard, and as distant chanting for rain is heard as in the beginning, she kisses Meïamoun's lifeless lips, and ascends the steps into the palace as her eunuchs again cover her lover's body.

وصلات خارجية

  • ليلة كليوپاترا: Free scores at the International Music Score Library Project.


  • "Henry Kimball Hadley" (in German). operone.de. Retrieved 29 September 2010.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-04 10:53:49
التصنيفات: CS1 maint: unrecognized language, اوپرات, اوپرات اللغة الإنگليزية, اوپرات هنري كيمبال هادلي, Metropolitan Opera world premieres, اوپرات 1920, تصوير ثقافي لكليوپاترا السابعة, اوپرات تدور في مصر

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