القردة رطمة الإبهام

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القردة رطمة الإبهام

مساعدة صندوق التصنيف الفهمي التلقائي
شكراً لخلق صندوق تصنيف تلقائي. نحن لا نعهد تصنيف "Colobinae".
  • هل "Colobinae" هوالاسم الفهمي لمصنفك،يا ترى؟ لوأنك تحرر صفحة "حيوان"، فسوف بحاجة حتى تحدد |taxon=حيوان. وإذا كنت قد عدّلتها، عمليك حتى تضغط "عرض التعديلات" لتحدِّث هذه الرسالة.
  • انقر هنا لإدخال التفاصيل التصنيفية لـ "Colobinae".
المتغيرات الشائعة
  • |authority= من الذي يقوم بوصف المصنف
  • |parent authority= من الذي يقوم بوصف المصنف التالي متجهين لأعلى القائمة
  • |display parents=4 يجبر عرض (على سبيل المثال) أربعة أسلاف للمصنف
  • |display children= يعرض أي تقسيمات موجودة بالعمل في قاعدة بيانات الفهم (مثلاً: أجناس ضمن فصيلة)
وصلات مفيدة
  • التدوين الرقمي الكامل
  • قائمة المتغيرات
{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/{{taxonomy/نطقب:Taxonomy/Colobinae|machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent |machine code=parent
Colobine monkeys
التصنيف الفهمي
أصنوفة غير معروفة (أصلحها): Colobinae


The Colobinae are a subfamily of the Old World monkey family that includes 61 species in 11 genera, including the black-and-white colobus, the large-nosed proboscis monkey, and the gray langurs. Some classifications split the colobine monkeys into two tribes, while others split them into three groups. Both classifications put the three African genera Colobus, Piliocolobus, and Procolobus in one group; these genera are distinct in that they have stub thumbs (Greek κολοβός kolobós = "docked"). The various Asian genera are placed into another one or two groups. Analysis of mtDNA confirms the Asian species form two distinct groups, one of langurs and the other of the "odd-nosed" species, but suggests the gray langurs are not closely related to either.


Arboreal & Folivorous primates

Colobines are medium-sized primates with long tails and diverse colorations. (except for the pig tailed langur which has a small tail) The coloring of nearly all the young animals differs remarkably from that of the adults.

Most species are arboreal, although some live a more terrestrial life. They are found in many different habitats of different climate zones (rain forests, mangroves, mountain forests, and savannah), but not in deserts and other dry areas. They live in groups, but in different group forms.

Colobines are folivorous, meaning their main source of nutrition is leaves. Their diet may also be supplemented with flowers, fruits and the occasional insect. To aid in digestion, particularly of hard-to-digest leaves, they have multichambered, complex stomachs, making them the only ruminant primates. Unlike the other subfamily of Old World monkeys, the Cercopithecinae, they possess no cheek pouches.

Gestation averages six to seven months. Young are weaned at about one year and are mature at three to six years. Their life expectancy is approximately 20 years.


Nilgiri langur (Trachypithecus johnii)
  • Family Cercopithecidae
    • Subfamily Cercopithecinae
    • Subfamily Colobinae
      • African group
        • Genus Colobus - black-and-white colobus monkeys
        • Genus Piliocolobus - red colobus monkeys
        • Genus Procolobus - olive colobus
      • Langur (leaf monkey) group
        • Genus Trachypithecus - lutungs
        • Genus Presbytis - surilis
        • Genus Semnopithecus - gray langurs
      • Odd-nosed group
        • Genus Pygathrix - doucs
        • Genus Rhinopithecus - snub-nosed monkeys
        • Genus Nasalis - proboscis monkey
        • Genus Simias - pig-tailed langur
        • Genus Mesopithecus - extinct
A langur in Pench National Park, India


Intergeneric hybrids are known to occur within the Colobinae subfamily. In India, gray langurs (Semnopithecus spp.) are known to hybridize with Nilgiri langurs (Trachypithecus johnii).


توجد في فهمالفصائل معلومات أكثر حول:
  1. ^ نطقب:MSW3 Primates
  2. ^ Sterner, Kirstin N.; Raaum, Ryan L.; Zhang, Ya-Ping; Stewart, Caro-Beth; Disotell, Todd R. (2006). "Mitochondrial data support an odd-nosed colobine clade" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 40 (1): 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.01.017. PMID 16500120. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-17.
  3. ^ Rowe, N. (1996). The Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates. Pogonias Press. pp. 139, 143, 154, 185, 223. ISBN .

نطقب:C.Colobinae nav خطأ لوا في وحدة:Taxonbar على السطر 140: attempt to index field 'wikibase' (a nil value).

تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-06 10:57:19
التصنيفات: تجاوزات عمق التوسيع, CS1 errors: deprecated parameters, Automatic taxobox cleanup, Articles with 'species' microformats, Taxoboxes with the incertae sedis color, Taxoboxes with no color, Commons category link is locally defined, Colobine monkeys, Mammal subfamilies, Taxa named by Thomas C. Jerdon, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي

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