التنين الداتشي

عودة للموسوعة

التنين الداتشي

Dacian Draco as from Trajan's Column

التنين الداتشي Dacian Draco : أوالذئبة وشعار الحرب Dacian warfare تحول لاحقا لشعار روما ,

حاليا شعار الكثير من الأندية الإيطالية وأشهرهم نادي روما , حتي إسم رومانيا والرومان وروما, وكثير من الطليان يقر بأن الرومان لهم أصول رومانية,

دراكوناريوس Draconarius : كان نوعًا من العلامات التي تحمل معيار الفرسان المعروف باسم دراكو في الجيش الروماني .

The Dacians bearing the draco on Trajan's Column

The draco first appears on Trajan's Column in Rome, a monument that depicts the Dacian wars of 101–102 AD and 105–106 AD. German historian Conrad Cichorius notes that, even though Dacians carry the draco, it was called the Scythian draco in Arrian's Tactica written around 136 AD. According to Ellis Minns, the dragon standards of the Arrian were those of the Dacians.

Representations of the Dacian Draco

Draco is borne by Dacian cavalry crossing the Danube (Trajan's Column)
Dacian Draco on Trajan's Column

Trajan's Column in Rome

Roman coins of Dacia

The draco appears on coins of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (r.138–161 AD), indicating that it was still the characteristic emblem in the 2nd century. In AD 250 on a coin of Decius the Roman province of Dacia holds a wolf- or hound-dragon standard. The same type also occurs on antoniniani coins of Claudius Gothicus (r.268–270) and Aurelian (r.270–275).

Dacia with draco on antoninianus of Trajan Decius, AD 250-251

Arch of Galerius in Thessaloniki

The characteristic Dacian dragon emblem is carried by a group of Dacian horsemen depicted on the Arch of Galerius and Rotunda in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Funerary sculptured monument of Chester

Dacian or Sarmatian rider with draco from Deva Victrix. In display at Grosvenor Museum.

Votive tablets

Carolingian cavalrymen from the 9th century with a draco standard
Dacian Draco and weapons from Trajan's Column by Michel-François Dandré-Bardon
A Dacian Draco on a 1993 Romanian 5000 lei bill

A draco banner is carried by one of the Danubian Riders, native Dacian deities, on a Danubian plaque ascribed to the first two decades of the 4th century. Because of the great importance of this symbol in the religious and military life of the Dacians, some writers believe that the draco must have been directly adopted and reproduced on the so-called Danubian plaques dating to the 3rd–4th centuries. According to some researchers such as Dumitru Tudor, the presence of this military ensign on the Danubian plaques is explained simply as due to chance — the result of a fortuitous combination of horseman and sky-god themes through the imagination of native sculptors.


لاحقا تحورت في رومانيا إلي Dracula الشهير بمصاص الدماء والمستذئب ضد الأتراك المسلمين في البلقان.

See also

  • Dacian warfare
  • Draconarius
  • Draco (constellation)
  • Draco (military standard)
  • European dragon
  • Bunchuk
  • Olm (Proteus anguinus)-A species of cave Salamander of Slovenia locals call baby cave dragon



  1. ^ Milner 1997, p. 20.
  2. ^ Minns 1913, p. 78.
  3. ^ Toynbee 1934, pp. 148-149.
  4. ^ Damian 2002, p. 1.
  5. ^ Speidel 2004, pp. 191.
  6. ^ Toynbee 1934, pp. 80.
  7. ^ Makaronas 1970, p. 41.
  8. ^ Tudor 1976, p. 82 and 141.
  9. ^ Tudor 1976, p. 115.
  10. ^ Tudor 1976, p. 114.


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  • Brzezinski, Richard (2002). . Osprey Publishing. ISBN .
  • Bury, John Bagnell; Cook, Stanley Arthur; Adcock, Frank Ezra (1954). The Cambridge ancient history: Volume 8. Cambridge University Press.
  • Crisan, Ion Horatiu (1986). Spiritualitatea geto-dacilor: repere istorice. Editura Albatros.
  • Coulston, Jon C. N. (1990). "The Architecture and Construction Scenes on Trajan's Column". In Martin, Henig (ed.). Architecture and architectural sculpture in the Roman Empire. Oxford University Committee for Archaeology. pp. 39–50.
  • Coulston, Jon C. N. (1991). "The 'draco' standard". Journal of Military Equipment Studies. 2: 101–114.
  • Damian, Paul Cristian (2002). "Teza de doctorat: Geto-dacii în configuratia demografica a Daciei romane (SURSE NUMISMATICE)". Archived from the original on April 13, 2012.
  • Dandré-Bardon, Michel-François (1774). Costume des anciens peuples, a l'usage des artistes. Paris: Alexandre Jombert the younger.
  • Dupuy, Trevor N. (1993). International Military & Defense Encyclopedia, 2. Brassey's. ISBN .
  • Everitt, Anthony (2010). Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome. Random House Trade Paperbacks. ISBN .
  • Haynes, Denys (1995). The Portland Vase: A Reply p. 146-152. The Journal of Hellenic studies edited by Percy Gardner, Max Cary, Ernest Arthur Gardner.
  • Hunter, Fraser (2009). "Barbarians and their equipment on Roman provincial sculpture". Les ateliers de sculpture régionaux : techniques, styles, et iconographie : actes du Xe Colloque international sur l'art provincial romain, Arles et Aix-en-Provence, 21-23 mai 2007. Musée départemental Arles antique. ISBN .
  • Ispas, Sabina (1980). "Considerations on the Ballad "The Snake" in the Romanian Folklore pp.277-288". Actes du IIe Congrès international de thracologie: Linguistique, ethnologie (ethnographie, folkloristique et art populaire) et anthropologie. Editura Academiei.
  • Janicke, Paul M (2006). Modern Patent Litigation: Cases, Comments, and Notes. Carolina Academic Pr. ISBN .
  • Lioi, Anthony (2007). Of Swamp Dragons. University of Georgia Press. ISBN .
  • Makaronas, Ch. J (1970). The Arch of Galerius at Thessaloniki. Institute for Balkan Studies.
  • McClintock, John (1889). Cyclopaedia of Biblical, theological, and ecclesiastical literature, Volume 12. Harper and Brothers, Publishers.
  • Mihăilescu-Bîrliba, Lucreţiu (2009). "A Funerary Sculptured Monument of Chester and its Representation" (PDF). Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica. Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza". XV: 149–176. ISSN 1224-2284.
  • Milner, N.P. (1997). Epitome of Military Science by Vegetius. Liverpool University Press. ISBN .
  • Minns, Ellis Hovell (2011) [1913]. . Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
  • Osborne, Harold (1985). . Oxford University Press. ISBN .
  • Palmer, Abram Smythe (1882). Dictionary of verbal corruptions or words perverted in form or meaning, by false derivation or mistaken analogy. George Bell and Sons.
  • Pârvan, Vasile (1926). (in Romanian and French). București, Romania: Cvltvra Națională.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) []
  • Pârvan, Vasile (1928). . The University Press.
  • Poruciuc, Anneliese (2000). "Protective Snakes and Frightening Fairies A Transylvanian Saxon's view on Romanian folklore of the early twentieth century page 73-79". Romanian civilization. The Romanian Cultural Foundation. ISSN 1220-7365.
  • SCOROBETE, Miron (2008). "In memoriam Nicolae Adam". Cetatea Culturala 'Cultural Fortress' , Revistă de cultură, literatură şi artă 'Journal of Culture, Literature and Art' (in Romanian). S.C. SEDAN CASA DE EDITURĂ S.R.L.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  • Scott-Giles, Charles Wilfrid (1957). The romance of heraldry. Dutton.
  • Sîrbu, Valeriu (1997). Imaginar şi imagine în Dacia preromană. Editura Istros.
  • Speidel, Michael (2004). Ancient Germanic Warriors: Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas. Routledge. ISBN .
  • Tomaschek, Wilhelm (1883). Les restes de la langue dace (in French). Le Muséon.CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)
  • Toynbee, Jocelyn M. C (1934). The Hadrianic school: a chapter in the history of Greek art. Cambridge University Press.
  • Tudor, Dumitru (1976). Corpus Monumentorum Religionis Equitum Danuvinorum: The Analysis and Interpretation of the Monuments. Brill Academic Pub. ISBN .
  • Vere, Nicholas de (2004). . Book Tree. ISBN .
  • Yust, Walter (1953). Encyclopædia Britannica: a new survey of universal knowledge. Encyclopædia Britannica.

Further reading

  • Gelu Florea - Dragonul dacic, în Archeologica et Historica, Nicolae Gudea dicata, Zalău, 2001, p. 195-201;
  • Augustin Muresan - Cu privire la cea mai veche reprezentare a a stindardului geto-dacilor, în Adevărul omenește posibil pentru rânduirea binelui, Oradea, 2001, pag. 455-459;
  • Liviu Marghitan, Stindardul dacic flutura la Tapae, în Revista de istorie militara, 2001, 1, pag. 52-55.
  • Liviu Mărghitan, Mioara Turcu - Mărturii arheologice referitoare la stindardul geto-dacilor, în Thraco-dacica, 2001, 22, nr. 1-2, pag. 213-221.
  • Mioara Alecu-Călușiță, Steagul geto-dacilor, în Noi Traci. Centro Europeo di Studii Traci, Roma, 1992, pag. 14-22;
  • Traian Herseni - Le dragon dace, în Ethnologica, 1979, nr. 1, pag. 13-22.

وصلات خارجية

  • Dacian Draco at CRW Flags
  • Dacian Draco in Enciclopedia Dacica
  • Dacian Draco (in Romanian)
  • Draconul (in Romanian)
  • The Dragon (Balaur) Myth In Romanian Folklore. Themes, Motifs, and Archetypes[]
تاريخ النشر: 2020-06-09 06:03:51
التصنيفات: CS1 maint: unrecognized language, All articles with dead external links, Articles with dead external links from November 2019, Articles with invalid date parameter in template, Commons category link from Wikidata, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Articles with dead external links from July 2019, Military history of Dacia, Military equipment of antiquity, Dragons in art, صفحات بها أخطاء في البرنامج النصي

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